Fearless 2020


This photo montage is meant to demonstrate and bring attention to the idea that the republicans and current administration are rolling over the rights of women and minorities at an alarming rate.  


The raging bull of Wall Street represents the capitalist system that puts profits over human lives. The girl, our youth, standing up to how things have been, and to the failures of my generation (gen x). 


The news has changed so much since we started this assignment, I had to stop myself from continuing to put more and more examples on each side. As it stands, I think I may have gone too far!


I chose the “amber waves of grain” background of the heartland that supports these policies, it replaces the view of the city. I chose all women to represent the defense of liberty and justice, because it will be the women who will stop this madness. That idea challenges that status quo a bit. I also chose to leave off a representation of Biden simply because these women need no male champion, even though the man on the bottom left is fighting to wrestle the flag from a racist.


I would imagine this to be placed on a blog post or atop an article relating to the politics of the 2020 election.  


     Fearless.  Carol Weidner 2020


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